We are saving trees! Mindful of our planet Tierra (Earth) and its beautiful trees, we have created this page for parents to view important documents and information about The Pineapple School. We have also included downloadable forms, in case you lose one or need an extra copy.
Family Handbook Please review this document carefully. If you have any questions about one of the policies, we encourage you to let us know. Acknowledgment of receipt and understanding is required for enrollment. (Use this version to see the August 2023 handbook changes highlighted in yellow.)
Discipline & Guidance sub-chapter of the Minimum Standards Please review this discipline and guidance policy and acknowledge receipt on page one of the Enrollment Form.
Uniforms Information Children enrolled in one of our Early Preschool, Preschool and Pre-K classrooms are required to wear The Pineapple School uniform. The uniform is a royal blue polo shirt (with The Pineapple School logo) and khaki pants, shorts, skort or jumper. Information about our uniforms, such as pricing and easy ways to shop, can be found here.
2024-25 School Calendar The year is packed with activities and events that are unique to The Pineapple School. Use this nifty calendar to ensure you and your child don’t miss out and to know when the school is closed for holidays or staff training.
The Pineapple School Menu We strive to serve foods that are nutritious, made from scratch, and low in artificial trans fats. Our unique menu consists of traditional meals enjoyed by children of Latin America such as arroz con pollo, picadillo, and caldo con albóndigas.
New Student Checklist Please use this checklist to make sure you have everything covered before your child’s first day at The Pineapple School. The second page of this document provides suggestions for making your child’s transition to The Pineapple School as smooth as possible.
Safe Sleep Policy Our Safe Sleep policy, which applies to infants 12 months old and younger, outlines sleep requirements and restrictions, sleep positioning, and crib requirements.
Storage & Administration of Breast Milk It is our goal to maintain the quality and safety of our mommies’ breastmilk and we have developed these guidelines for handling and storing breastmilk.
Healthcare Professional’s Statement Within one month of your child starting at The Pineapple School, a signed statement of the child’s health from a healthcare professional is required. Your pediatrician may have his/her own form, or this form may be used.
Medication Authorization Form Please use this form when your child requires medication to be administered by a member of The Pineapple School staff. (Use this version if you would like to complete the form (except for signatures) on your computer before printing.)
Food Allergy Emergency Plan The State of Texas Minimum Standards for Child Care Centers requires a written Food Allergy Emergency Plan for each child with a diagnosed food allergy, which identifies the food/s the child is allergic to, potential symptoms associated with exposure to the food/s, and actions to take if these symptoms occur. This plan must be signed and dated by a health care professional AND a parent.
Diet Restriction Form If your child requires a special diet due to a health condition, parents must fill out the Diet Restriction Form and provide a written note from the child's health care professional or a licensed/registered dietitian addressing this issue. Parents are responsible for providing the child's meals and snacks or suitable substitutions in cases of only specific foods to be eliminated.
Automatic Tuition Payment Enrollment This form, which is to enroll in our automatic and secure tuition payment service, is included in our online enrollment packet. If you would like to change your account information, please complete this form and submit it to the Front Desk. Please note that tuition must be paid using this service.
Infant Feeding Plan To guide us in feeding your baby according to your preferences, we ask parents of infants (<18 months of age) to complete a “Feeding Plan”. This Feeding Plan must be updated at the beginning of each month, and of course, any time there is a change in your baby’s feeding plan.